Postdoctoral position, Queen’s University Belfast

Applications are invited for a 4-year EPSRC-funded postdoctoral position, starting 1 November 2014, to carry out theoretical and computational workin the field of bulk nanobubble dispersions.

Nanobubble dispersions are a novel type of nanoscale bubble system. Their most peculiar characteristic is the remarkable longevity of the bubbles of which they are composed. Existing theories predict that bubbles this small should dissolve extremely quickly but in nanobubble suspensions tiny bubbles persist for weeks and even months. Thus, to fully exploit the potential benefits of nanobubble suspensions, major developments are needed in the science underpinning their existence and behaviour. The overall aim of this project is to study the underlying mechanisms by which these nanobubble dispersions come to exist and persist, and to explain some of their unusual properties using a combination of both experimental and theoretical work.

Applicants should have a PhD in Chemistry, Physics or another relevant subject.
A good background in Statistical Mechanics, computer simulation and computer programming is essential.
Experience in molecular dynamics simulation of liquids, cavitation, and parallel computing, are also highly desirable.
The candidate will be based at Queen University Belfast, and will collaborate closely with researchers at Daresbury Laboratory and in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, where the experimental part of this project will be carried out. The project also involves collaboration with industry.

Applicants should complete an online application form, available from the following website:

providing an up-to-date CV, a letter of motivation, and the names and contact details of at least three academic referees.

Informal enquiries may be directed to Prof. Jorge Kohanoff
j.kohanoff [at] qub [.] ac [.] uk
or Dr Gareth Tribello
g.tribello [at] qub [.] ac [.] uk

  • Anticipated interview date: Wednesday 10 September 2014
  • Salary scale: £31,342 – £37,394 per annum, depending on experience.
  • Closing date: 20 August 2014
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3 Responses to Postdoctoral position, Queen’s University Belfast

  1. PTS Terbaik says:

    thank you for your information,what’s next?

  2. What are the responsibilities and benefits of the postdoctoral position available at Queen’s University Belfast? Regard Telkom University

  3. Which departments and laboratories will the successful candidate collaborate with during the project?

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